The Hotel

Privacy Policy


TRAVZA Tour Travels is focused on regarding your security. We have planned our sites and booking engines so you may visit them without distinguishing yourself or uncovering any individual data, except if you select to do as such. When you pick to give by and by identifiable data (any data by which you can be recognized, for example, name, address, phone number, email address and charge card number), it may be utilized to help your client association with us and for our own particular inside purposes, including showcasing and research, customization of our sites and enhancing the substance of our sites.

This online Privacy Statement with respect to the protection of the data you give online spreads the accompanying principle regions: Awareness, What we Collect, Information Sharing, Choice, Access and Accuracy, Security, Oversight, and Right to Change.


TRAVZA Tour Travels gives this Privacy Statement to inform you about our protection approach and the practices and decisions you can make about the manner in which your data is gathered and utilized. This notice might be gotten to from any zone of TRAVZA Tour Travels website and our online restrictive booking engines

What we gather
When reserving a spot:

When you reserve a spot on the web or by telephone through our client benefit focus, you will be requested your name, address, telephone number, email address and charge card data. This data is utilized to get in touch with you for client benefit, to ensure your reservation with our movement providers as well as to charge you for your movement buy. We may likewise approach you for other individual data, for example, your continuous explorer numbers. Amid the booking procedure you can pick not to get our pamphlet or travel updates by unchecking the fitting boxes on the reservation frame. From there on, in the event that you would rather not get them, if it's not too much trouble tap on the "withdraw" connect or take after the directions in every email message.

Outsider sellers:

Some of TRAVZA Tour Travels web based booking engines are fueled by outsider merchants. You should take note of that these merchants may have protection strategies and practices that contrast from those of TRAVZATour Travels. We emphatically urge you to peruse the security approaches of these merchants when utilizing their sites.


TRAVZA Tour Travels gives electronic postcards cards by means of our sites and our partner sites for you to send to a companion. We store the email address everything being equal, the message you need to send and the URL for finding the welcome card. We don't offer, appropriate, or permit in any case the utilization of beneficiary email addresses. We utilize them exclusively for the motivations behind telling beneficiaries for your benefit that a card is sitting tight for them at the assigned URL. Following 30 days, all data relating to your postcard is erased.

About Cookies:

Numerous sites, including those claimed by TRAVZATour Travels, utilize treat innovation to enable clients to explore effectively. The treat is a little content document that lives on your hard drive. Every once in a while, our site will ask for the treat from your program so we can recover the put away data. This enables you to abstain from making similar choices again and again.TRAVZA Tour Travels does not utilize treats to store individual data, for example, charge card numbers.

A case of how treats are utilized is as per the following: When you lead a look utilizing our booking motor for inns in Orlando, Florida a treat will be set account the city of Orlando as the parameter of your pursuit. When you come back to the inquiry shape to thin or change your hunt, Orlando will naturally be gone into the city field in the pursuit frame.

It would be ideal if you take note of that with most programs, a client can set the inclinations to demonstrate a notice each time a treat ask for is gotten. You can likewise generally set the program not to acknowledge treats by any stretch of the imagination. Be that as it may, to make your experience utilizing our booking engines as advantageous as could reasonably be expected, we recommend that you enable your program to acknowledge treats.

Data Sharing

TRAVZA Tour Travels won't offer, lease, or rent your by and by identifiable data to outsiders. Except if we have your authorization or are required by law, we will just share the individual information you furnish online with other outsider sellers that are acting to finish reservation administrations. We don't purposely allow the site to be utilized by any individual younger than eighteen and we don't intentionally gather any individual data from youngsters (which mean those more youthful than thirteen years old). We will coordinate with law implementation experts.


TRAVZA Tour Travels won't utilize or share identifiable data gave to us online in courses inconsequential to the reasons portrayed above without telling you and offering you a decision. If you don't mind know that our site and those of our subsidiaries may contain connections to different sites, and that the security practices of these different sites may contrast from those of TRAVZA Tour Travels. This online Privacy Policy does not make a difference to different sites. We urge you to peruse the protection strategies of every single other site you visit.

Access and Accuracy

TRAVZA Tour Travels endeavors to keep your by and by identifiable data precise. To ensure your protection and security, we will find a way to confirm your character before allowing you get to or empowering you to make rectifications to your reservations.